Welcome to the official launch of our Kawartha Classical Christian School website!
Whether you’re thinking about the education of your own children, supporting a family member who might be interested, or simply wondering what Classical Christian education is all about, you’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll find information ranging from our educational philosophy, to frequently asked questions, to practical ways you can be a part of helping our vision for a Classical Christian school in Peterborough become a reality in September 2019.
You may also be wondering — “Why start a website for a school that doesn’t yet exist?” We would respond for the same reason a farmer tills and fertilizes his field before planting a crop; that just as crops benefit from careful soil preparation, so an endeavor of this magnitude must spring from careful attention to basic structures. While we acknowledge the many words on these pages, we see them as an essential part of those basic structures that will, God willing, lead to sustainable growth in the future.
While we recognize the immensity of work involved in starting a new school, we must also consider the weight of what’s at stake in the education and training of our children. Children are more than simply bearers of their parent’s image — they are bearers of God’s image! And since His reputation is infinitely more sacred than ours, we only approach the rightful exercise of our stewardship as parents when we train them to live in light of a world that God has made. Our goal at KCCS is not to replace God ordained authority structures (parents) with artificial constructs of our own (schools), but to partner with parents in assisting upcoming generations towards truth, goodness, and beauty.
It is because we truly believe Jesus Christ to be the cornerstone of all knowledge that we have prayerfully (and not without some degree of terror!) embarked on this journey. Please feel free to peruse our site, follow us on Facebook, and use the contact page for any more questions you may have.
The KCCS Team