Kawartha Classical Christian School

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In Answer to the Prayers of Children

How a big God answers prayer from the tiniest of us

by meghan visser

In a living room at the centre of town, with three couches and a smattering of eclectic chairs, a small cohort of our church gathers to pray every Friday night.

Perhaps to some it may seem strange that so many are eager to gather on a Friday night, of all nights. And yet, this sweet time of prayer, for 1 hour exactly, has become a highlight of the week.

In the centre of our cluster of “adult seating” are the hordes of children joyfully relegated to cushions on the floor or loved-ones’ laps.

After singing 2 hymns—no more, no less—and a brief devotional from one of the men in the church, we set out to praying. The children are encouraged to pray too and indeed jump at the chance to offer prayers and petitions to our Lord.

For over two years, child after child has prayed the same beautiful prayer in an echo that goes around the room as one student spurs on the courage of the next:

“Dear God, thank you that we get to come here to pray. Please help Granny and Granddad to believe in you. Please help the church and the school find a building. Thank you that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Amen.”

Every Friday night the children thank God for prayer and the cross. And every Friday night they ask God for a building for our school.

Not growing weary.

Not doubting.

Not relegating God to our limited budget.

But joyfully. Expectantly. Faithfully.

The prayers of these children have often been an encouragement to my own heart and has spurred my prayers on to be joyful, expectant, and faithful. After all, has God not given us everything, and indeed His very Son? Has He not left ebenezer after ebenezer and blessing after blessing in His wake? Hearing the prayers of the children week after week is a reminder to come to our heavenly Father, not timidly, but boldly, like a child asking his dad if he could have dessert after supper.

And lo and behold, in answer to the prayers of children, our mighty God has provided beyond what we could even have asked or imagined.

Finding Paul’s Mission Church

Three years ago, an unexpected change to our rental agreement caused us to pivot towards taking over a commercial lease for a school that was closing down in town. God was faithful to provide this large school space for our growing school.

This year, that lease was coming to a close.

A commercial lease was a bit of a financial stretch for us, so as a Board, we decided to look around to see what other options may be available.

To our discouragement, many churches were unwilling to get back to us or rent out space to us. Some, understandably, were unable to rent out their space. Some non-Christian spaces were found to be ill-suited or otherwise too expensive.

As adults are wont to do, we began feeling discouraged.

On my daily walk, I would often pass by a small church building with a beautiful outdoor area. I would often say to the Lord, what about something like that, Lord?

As door after door was closing and we brainstormed how we could cut costs to meet the rental cost of another year with a commercial lease, I felt compelled to figure out who owned this mysterious church building and reach out to them to see if they would be open to a partnership.

After relying wholly on the marvel that is Google translate, I learned that 2673 Maple Grove Road was Paul’s Mission Church, a Korean evangelical church on the edge of town. I found the phone number and gave them a call.

Once we switched into English, Pastor Sam and I had one of the most encouraging conversations. Hospitable, kind, and eager to partner in what God is doing in our community, Pastor Sam invited me to come see if the building would work for our school.

Eager, I went over the next day. As I went inside for the first time, I was delighted by the building. It turns out, Paul’s Mission Church converted an old school building into a church a number of years ago. No wonder it works perfectly for a school! It even looks the part!

I counted the classrooms. As is, like manna from heaven, there was just enough for what we need. Moving outside, there are two working portables, easily split into another 4 classrooms, perfect for growth moving forward.

I was able to get a better look at the outdoor space I was talking with the Lord about. A large field, a play structure, basketball hoops...

As if the Lord was not kind enough, the most encouraging part of all was the conversation with Pastor Sam. KCCS has always envisioned partnering with the local church in the work of educating the next generation in the wisdom and discipline of the Lord and His world. The vision of partnership and mutual blessing was a vision that Pastor Sam shared.

Mutually encouraged, we arranged for the Board to meet with Pastor Sam the following weekend. As details were being ironed out, both Pastor Sam and his family and KCCS were so encouraged by how this potential partnership could bless both parties.

Pastor Sam brought our proposal to his Board of Elders and they have graciously caught our vision for partnering in this endeavour.

Jehovah Jireh. The Lord provides.

Full Steam Ahead!

Thank you to all those who labour in prayer with us for what God is doing at KCCS and in the hearts of these children and their families. Our school may be small, but we serve a big God. Though we are but dust, God eagerly bends His ear to be attentive to our prayers, and even the prayers of children!

We praise Him for providing this opportunity for the next chapter of KCCS and indeed Paul’s Mission Church.

We thank God for all the men and women who have been coming out to help us renovate and move into our new space. This is another kindness of God to us, as we couldn’t undertake this alone!

Join us in thanking God for His kindness. And continue to pray that He would establish this work to tune hearts and train minds to the glory of Christ. Pray that Paul’s Mission Church would be blessed and that God’s Word would continue to go out, in every language.

Year 6! Geronimo Amen!

Soli Deo Gloria.

Meghan Visser

Meghan is a founding board member of KCCS. She lives in Peterborough, Ontario, where she is also a member at Hill City Baptist Church.